The purpose of the Message Master is to save the formatted messages and then send individually or group in different delivery types like Email, SMS, App Notification and post.
2 Introduction

The form is divided in to four blocks
1) Message Details
2) CC & BCC Emails
3) Schedule Date & Time
4) Content
1. Message Details Block
1. Message Delivery Type
Select Message Delivery Type from dropdown list
- Post
- App Notification
Select Group Type from dropdown list
- Individual
- Users Group
- Account Group
- CRM User Recipients
- CRM Groups
Based on Group Type Dropdown selection filed “To” will be changed.
Group Type: Individual
If the group type is Individual then the “To” field dropdown list will display all the user names and email id in a dropdown list to select any one of the email id.
Group Type: Users Group
If the group type is User Group then the “To” field will be hidden.
Group Type: Account Group
If the group type is Account Group then the dependent Group Id selection dropdown list will be enabled to select the Account Group
- Group Id:
- i) Agent
- ii) Customers
iii) Suppliers
Group Type: CRM User Recipients
In this group type the field “To” is disabled.
Group Type: CRM Groups
In this group type the sub group type selection dropdown list will be enables to select Group Id.
The subgroup selection dropdown list is dynamic list which will be generated from CRM contact groups.
In subject text field add subject, minimum characters are four and max fifty characters are allowed.
- CC & BCC Emails Block
This block is enabled when message delivery type is Email, in this block there are three fields
- CC
- from
CC: Carbon Copy
This filed will allow the user to enter CC email address.
BCC: Blank Carbon Copy
This field will allow the user to enter BCC email address.
This field will allow the user to enter from email address.
- Schedule Date & Time Block
In this block there are two fields
i)Schedule Date
- ii) Schedule Time
Schedule Date:
In schedule date field allow user to enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Schedule Time:
In schedule Time field the user can enter the time in HH:MM:SS format.
Schedule date and schedule time are used to send the message on the given date and time.
Content Block
The content field is a HTML Editor it will allow the user to format the content using the html editor toolbar.
In this editor user can use the predefined template words to be replaced while sending the messages.
The Template key words for each group are as follow.
Individual (or) User Group
Account Group
CRM User Recipients
CRM Groups
Saved messages can be send by running the corn or manually.