Restaurant Management System
Restaurant Management System (RST)
Provied A graphical user interface to view the status of all tables within the establishment. All tables are completely customizable and can facilitate the configuration of many different functions like Dine In with Table Categories & Take Away.Each colour represents a different status for the table, which can be custom designed.
- KOT Printer Department
- Transfer Table
- Back Office
- Stock Management
- Reporting
- Tablet/Mobile Ordering
- Mulitple Locations
- Multiple Kitchens
- Fast Billing
- GST Ready
- Thermal Bill Print
- Email templates
- Bluetooth Bill Print
- Unlimited users and tables
- Split Bills - bills can be split easily among gst the guests on a particular table
- Print Bill and split bill by seat
- Shift or Transfer tables
- View a summary of all tables within the Restaurant
- Enter orders using seat numbers
- Access reservations
- (with Reservations enabled)
- Make tables are active/inactive
- Modify the table with Shift Table and join tables together during service
- Enter the number of guests, and produce reports based on average food and beverage spends by guest
- Current 30 days report
- User Id Report
- Order details
- Store Transactions
- Charts
- Annual sales report
- Weekly sales report
- Total sales Report
- Cashier Transactions
- Reprint KOT
- Reprint Bill
Restaurant Table Dashboard:
