Current Sales Orders
1. Go to the back-office and click on the option Sales Orders - Transactions and then click on the option Current Sales Orders.

2. Add New : This Button is used for Adding New Current Sales Order.
3. In below image click on Add New Button then it will displays the following image.

4. A New Current Sales Order will open the new page and fill the details.
5. Fields in this Current Sales Order Include:
- Account Code
- Warehouse
- Sales Type
- Sales Rep
- Order Date
- Customer Reference
- Status
- Sales Number
- Ship Total
- Order Total
- Fx Currency
- Payment Terms
- Carrier Reference.
6. Once you have completed the Current Sales Order details, click the Add button as shown below.

7. Click on Bill To Address then fill the details.

8. Click on Ship To Address then fill the details.

9. Click on Details button then click on Add New button it will displays the following image.

10. After that Stock Code, Description, Ord QTY, Ship Qty, Price, Tax code, Order Net, Order Total, Ship Net and Ship Total fill the details then click on

11. Click on Project button then fill the details.
12. Click on Project button then fill the details then click on "Confirm Order" Button then it will displays the following image.
13. Click on Delivery docket button.
14. Click on ok button.
15. Delivery Docket Print.
16. Click on invoice button.
17. Click on ok button.
18. Click on ok button.

19. Invoice Print.