Sri POS Mobile App
Our SriPOS mobile application is a full featured point of sale mobile application.
It complements our existing POS application. User having access to both can access their sales and orders across both applications.
All sales and orders are kept insyc with each other automatically flow into the rest of the modules.
- Use it in any retail environment.
- It is fast and simple to use
- it is available to use on any tablet and or a mobile device.


- Scan the item's barcode to enter into the sale.
- Touch screen enabled to click on the menu to add items to sale.
- Type in a search term to quickly show a list of matching items.
- Accept Payments on the shop floor
- Print Invoices from the shop floor or email directly to the customer.
- Accept credit card / Eftpos payments.
- It replaces the need for a fixed POS terminal.
